Faith formation classes are held every Sunday during the school year at the following locations:
St. Thomas in Dover-Foxcroft at 12:30 pm, except on holiday weekends. The classrooms are located in the CLC building across the street from St. Thomas Aquinas.
St. Agnes in Pittsfield after Mass 9:15 –10:30 am
To register for faith formation, or for VBS, please use the form on the side menu.
If you are unable to attend due to schedule/location, please register so that we know you are out there!This program is for those who are possibly interesting in becoming Catholic. This no-commitment educational process known as the Order of Catholic Initiation for Adults (OCIA), and helps you to understand what it means to be a member of the Body of Christ–the Catholic Church established by Christ Jesus.
The OCIA Program begins in September, and is open to anyone:The Parish Library is available for anyone to use. The library is located at the Parish Office at 60 Free Street in Dexter. The library is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Contact the office at 924-7104 with any questions.
Flocknote is the communications tool we use to get information out about parish events, faith formation, and last-minute notifications. Sign up today!
To volunteer! Are you interested in helping with faith formation? Please contact our Faith Formation Coordinator!
Parish volunteers who will have contact with children or vulnerable adults must attend one Protecting God's Training Session.
After this training, you must read the VIRTUS monthly bulltetins to remain in compliance with Safe Environment Office requirements.
You can sign up on the VIRTUS website. If you had an email address when you took PGC, you may already be in the system. Try entering your email address and click "need login information". Otherwise click the "First Time Registrant" button and follow the prompts. You can also call the parish office (924-7104) and request to be added. You will then receive short monthly bulletins to read and respond to. It takes about 5-10 minutes to read and answer the question at the end. That's it!